Our Top Tips for Sustainable Personal Growth
At AHS, Personal Growth is something that both Nicole and I are passionate about. Sign us up for all the therapy, yoga (Nicole), pilates (Stephanie), journaling, and reading! Anything that is going to support where we are today and where we hope to be in the future. With that in mind, we wanted to share with you our top tips for creating sustainable personal growth in your life, exploring the key elements that have allowed us to move forward successfully in different aspects of our lives.
Build a Routine
If you’ve been reading along with our blog posts here at AHS, you know that we’re big fans of building routines that serve both the present you and the future you. Having consistent simple practices is what ultimately sets you up for success in your daily life because sustainable personal growth is all about small consistent actions compounded over time. I recommend starting by building morning and evening routines before implementing other practices into your life because they both influence the tone of your day the most. How you wake up in the world and how you conclude your waking hours are some of the most influential times in your personal narrative. Some activities you might consider implementing in these kinds of routines could be quiet time to yourself, writing, turning electronics off, reading, meditating or exercising, just to name a few. You’ll notice all of these are relatively simple, not elaborate. It’s usually the simplest things that can serve us the most, so choose the activities that resonate and feed your soul most when building a routine for yourself.
Be Open to Re-evaluating
We are all humans who are ever-changing and ever-evolving, so it is within reason to take stock and evaluate what’s working or not working for you and your growth. We’ve found great success in spending time once a month reflecting on the things that are serving us within our routines and life. If it is feeling good and going well, celebrate those things and keep doing them! But if you notice something isn’t aligning, taking the time to notice anything that isn’t adding value and making a change can have just as much of an impact.
Be Patient
Personal growth is something that happens slowly over time, so don’t expect to wake up the next morning noticing a dynamic change in yourself. Practice patience and know that if you stick to the simple daily tasks you’ve implemented, you will eventually see a shift in your outlook, energy and life. Consistency is key and growing as a person is well worth the wait.
Want more self-care tips and ideas? Check out our Self-care section and our Instagram to stay in the know.