Preparing Your Home for the Holidays 

As we move into the latter part of November, the buzz of the holidays is already in the air. Whether it’s the ads for Black Friday deals or your family asking about your vacation plans, there is a heavy hint of coco, gift-giving, and snow in the air. Knowing how quickly November turns into “pre-December” I (Nicole) wanted to share some of the ways I like to set up my home for the busy times ahead. Like many, my calendar becomes a whirlwind in December so what better act of self-care than making sure your home feels prepared for a little less focus and a lot more traffic in the coming weeks.

Dust off your bakeware

Though I am only a half-decent baker and cook, I find no matter what, I always end up making or creating something during this time of year. Whether it is a last-minute batch of cookies for a party, hostess gift or side for a potluck, there always seems to be something that needs to come together. So, give your future self the gift of clean bakeware, poised and at the ready for those last minute asks.

Clean out your fridge 

I can’t tell you how many times I didn’t heed this advice and then regretted it later in the month. With so much going on we often find we’re taking home left-overs from events or prepping food to host, so having a clean slate to start with is such a nice thing, especially if there are a few suspicious condiments in your fridge that some may mistake for “still good” when it’s past its prime. Avoid the drama and start fresh!

Make space 

I like to take this time of year as an opportunity to review how the orientation of furniture in my home is going, knowing full well that when December 1st hits, we’ll be putting up a Christmas tree. I like to take a moment to see if this setup is the best for that addition. Take some time to consider if there’s a way the room could flow more easily, especially if you end up having company!

Clear your surfaces

Knowing that you’ve shuffled your furniture, it’s a great opportunity to also look at the surfaces in your home. We like to add decor all around the house so having space to put up more twinkle lights and memorabilia without it feeling cluttered is always ideal for us. Take the time to put items away, press refresh, clean your tables and counters, and your future December self will thank you.

Take care of yourself

As I’m sure you know, you’re about to embark on a very busy, very social time of year and if you’re anything like me that means that recharging is a must! Despite what I imagine is a very full calendar coming your way, take the time to rest now, and know that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Your needs matter this season and every season.

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