Mother’s Day
When it comes to Mother’s Day, Stephanie and I count ourselves lucky. We’ve both been raised by strong, independent and wise mothers who have our best interest and success at heart. We are so grateful to take a moment to celebrate the women who ensured our existence on this little blue planet, and learn what it’s like to raise tiny humans. Nicole’s mom Lynn and Stephanie’s mom Cathy speak about the nerves of learning they were expecting and some of the lessons that have held true throughout the years.
Did you always want to be a mom?
Lynn: The short answer is, yes. As the first member of my family to attend University, there was the inevitable tug of war between career vs motherhood, but family won out.
Cathy: I have a favourite Christmas picture from when I was four years old; purse slung over my right shoulder and baby doll cradled in my left arm, pushing a baby stroller. I always wanted to take care of people. I don’t think I ever thought of not being a mother someday, I just always thought I would be, just not sure of when.
What has been the most rewarding experience of being a mom?
L: I consider my role as a mother to be the most important work I have ever done - and to that, I would add that it took a village to raise our children - a beautiful, caring, loving village.
C: Watching our kids make good healthy decisions for themselves, based on values and morals they were raised within their growing years. Knowing you have made some imprint on their chosen way of being in their adult years.
Where were you when you found out you were going to be a mom?
L: We were at home, and had plans to visit friends out of town. It was too early to tell anyone, so I used the ruse of being on antibiotics as my reason for not drinking. My girlfriend did not question me in the moment but told me later that she knew I was fibbing.
C: I found out about our son Will in the basement staff room of Douglas Road elementary school in Burnaby B.C. when I returned a call to the doctor on a morning recess break. I found out about Steph- after a false negative home test. I went to the doctor for a test a week later because I just knew I was pregnant, felt the little flutter, as some might say. My doctor confirmed the pregnancy after further blood work.
What was the most challenging thing about raising humans?
L: I have told my kids - on many occasions - that they did not come with an instruction manual. With that said, when I returned to work, leaving them in childcare was heart-wrenching for me.
C: Trying to stay true to ourselves as parents when other families made different choices- lifestyle, gifts, homes, needs/wants, respect for elders, faith, ages we allowed access to computers and cell phones. Trying to allow our kids to take time to grow up and experience things in life they were ready to experience socially, emotionally and physically.
What are you most proud of in your journey as a mom?
L: Seeing the remarkable, smart, caring, funny, thoughtful adults my children have grown into. And here, I will go back to question 2 - it took a village.
C: Trying and hopefully allowing and enabling our children to find their own ways; supporting, listening but trying not to push or dictate who or what they should pursue in life.
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