How to Refresh Your Wardrobe

A new season has arrived, which means you might be in need of a little wardrobe refresh! Spring and Fall are the perfect times to take a walk through your closet, purge anything you didn’t wear previous season and start to reflect on what you’ll be wearing now. I’ve put together my top tips to help you refresh your wardrobe to ensure you begin this new season in style.

Take Wardrobe Inventory

I highly recommend taking a wardrobe inventory at least twice a year, at the end of winter heading into spring and at the end of summer as you enter fall. As you go through your closet you want to identify and pull out any pieces you didn’t wear during the season, you’ll want to consider parting ways with these pieces as they’re not earning their keep in your closet. You’ll also want to go through your spring and summer pieces, identifying any pieces that you may want to replace due to overwear from the previous year.

Choose Trends That You’re Excited About

One of the most exciting parts of entering into a new season is to take in the new trends. While trends can be fun to participate in and are essential in a season refresh, you don’t need to participate in every trend. To ensure your wardrobe has a balance of both trendy and classic pieces, I recommend choosing 2-3 trends you are enthusiastic about utilizing in your wardrobe, to ensure your seasonal wardrobe has some longevity. Think about trends that will correlate well with your wardrobe and that are cohesive with your authentic style.

Make a List 

Now that you’ve identified pieces in your wardrobe that need replacing and trends you would like to introduce into your wardrobe, you’re ready to get organized. Make a list of all of the pieces you need to replace for the season. These items are likely basics or classic staples you need in your wardrobe either year-round or specifically for the upcoming season. Think t-shirts, jeans or maybe even a lightweight jacket. Once you’ve added the essentials, list any trendy pieces you would love to find in order to breathe new life into your spring wardrobe.

Shop ‘Til You Drop

You’ve got your list, now all you need is a plan. Make your refresh feel special by planning this shopping trip as a date with yourself. We’re big fans of conscious spending over here at AHS, so based on the pieces you need, set a realistic budget and choose shops in accordance to that budget. Your time is valuable, so why not do a pre-shop online at the stores you’d like to visit. This way, you will already have an idea of which stores have exactly what you’re looking for, skipping stores that don’t.

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