Romanticizing The Every Day

As November begins, I (Nicole) often find this month both odd and magical, caught between the lingering excitement of Halloween and the beginning anticipation of the holiday frenzy ahead. The month feels as if it is a resting state, a brief pause, and what better way to ensure this time is taken as mindfully as possible than by making the most of these quiet moments. It is the perfect time to reflect, enjoy the passing of time and the small things we do for ourselves to reset. Today I wanted to share some of the everyday tasks I’m romanticizing to make the most of this season of transition.

Tea Time

Tea is one of those rare things that always makes me slow down, no matter how stressful my day. Pulling out the dried leaves and the tools to make it has been a grounding practice for me for a long time and the latter of fall is the perfect time to slow down and appreciate each step. I love using my cast-iron kettle which helps retain flavour and gets better with each use. Whether it’s loose leaves or a tea bag, just taking the time to make your cup just right is time well spent.

Skin Care

Though I’ll admit this has been a process to get into, actually taking the time to take care of your skin has turned into a daily ritual for me and something I now look forward to. Products aside, taking a few extra moments to do the full process, each step with care, feels precious and mindful.

Bed Making

As a grownup you no longer have your parents urging you to make your bed, however, there is something so comforting about assembling your clean sheets to create a space you can look forward to at the end of your busy day. Investing in good bedding is a must in my books but even just making it creates a feeling of home and calm for me.


This used to be my least favourite activity but over time I’ve found it to be comforting because it’s something you have to be present for. Unlike many other home tasks, this chore doesn’t ask much of you, only that you fold your items neatly and put them in their right place, a welcome ask after a busy day with much more complicated requests. I often like to put on a beloved TV show, make tea, and make the most out of this quiet time.


Although loungewear has become its own product line in the last few years this is something that I’ve intentionally avoided during my work day so that I feel as if I have somewhere to be, and better yet when I don’t. I have a little ritual at the end of my day where I’ll change into the most comfortable loungewear I have, giving my mind the signal that it is now time to rest and relax. It’s something small but when you work from home, even that tiny transition can make a world of difference.

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