Building a Morning Routine You Love

At Anne Hunter Studio we’re passionate about sharing ideas and inspiration that help us feel our best, so today I (Steph) am sharing my favourite morning routine in the hopes that this will help you build one you love yourself! For many years this topic has come up time and time again in our closest circles, trying to find the perfect self care recipe to start our days right, so we imagine there are others like us who are trying to crack the code. . I believe that a morning routine is essential in starting your day off right, but it does take time to develop one that gets you out of bed in the morning. So check out some of our favourite ideas to help you build the perfect morning routine.

 Give Yourself Time

What a thought! Groundbreaking, truly I know. Yes, set your alarm, but more importantly, is the time you set it for. I’m not here to tell you to be up before the sun at 5 am. In a past life I might have preached that, but I think it’s more important to think about the amount of time you’re giving yourself in the morning just for you. This precious window of time, before you start getting ready for your day, before you’re packing lunches, eating breakfast, showering, and walking dogs, kids and/or partners. Personally, I like to give myself an hour that is all mine in the morning. This is my time to be quiet, reflective and well, to wake up and become the person I want to be for the day.

Enjoy Your Morning Drink

So now that you’re up an hour earlier, you’re probably thinking, “Okay, Stephanie I’m up! What am I doing now with this entire hour?!” Well, I am very glad you asked. This is the time when if you’re a coffee drinker,  you can make that beautiful cup of coffee you’ve been dreaming about. Maybe make this first cup of the day something special, so that you can wake up looking forward to it. If you’re not a coffee drinker that is more than okay, we support all kinds of beverages around here. I gravitate towards water first thing in the morning, striving to drink 24 ounces before I consume anything else. I try to make this morning time special so that it’s something I look forward to. I might even light a candle while I sit and enjoy my drink, or play some soft, easy tunes.

Put the Phone Down

Okay this next tip is a tough one and there are mornings where I’m great at keeping my phone out of sight for that first hour, but there are mornings where this seems nearly impossible. This is your time to connect with yourself and focus on your needs, not getting lost in a sea of information, pictures, comments, likes and messages. Put the phone down, I promise it will still be there after the hour is complete.

Express Gratitude

My gratitude practice is what gets me out of bed in the morning. I love that it is time to reflect on the day prior, thinking of all of the little things that brought a flood of gratitude to my body when they occured. . In the first part of my gratitude journal, I write out ten moments of gratitude. I say “moments of gratitude” rather than things I’m grateful for because this list can be more than just things.  By focusing on small moments of gratitude – little things like a stranger asking you how your day was going and how it made you feel connected to them, or a kind exchange with a friend or family member over text can be the perfect kind of moments to appreciate. Because I’m keeping note of these small interactions I find  the following day I’m more aware of the world around me, keeping a fresh eye for things to write down the following morning.   If you're struggling on a place to start in your gratitude journey, even taking a moment to appreciate seemingly simple things like clean water, food in the pantry and a safe place to live, are always a great way to begin. Look for those little moments of magic and I know you’ll find more day after day.

Focus on your Goals

In addition to spending time highlighting the moments I’m grateful for, I also spend time focusing on what I’d like to achieve in my life. Though it  seems like a daunting concept,it’s quite simple. I write out ten goals I have for my life in the next ten years and I write them out as if they’ve already happened. For example, one of mine is “I travelled to Hawaii with my family.” Establish your ten and write them out every day, along with your gratitude moments. This keeps your goals in the forefront of your mind, so you don’t lose sight of what you truly want out of life throughout your day. With your goals now at the forefront, it also makes making any big life decisions you may encounter easier because you’re aligned with your truest desires for what you want out of life. Once you achieve one of your ten, replace it with a new goal. I find doing this in the morning sets me up for success because I’m now focused and excited about what I want to work towards.

Do Something You Enjoy

Above all else, tailor your morning routine to you! Make time for a quiet activity that you enjoy. Doing this every morning is like gently massaging your brain and your body awake. I love rotating between reading and journaling, but you might love meditating or maybe even light stretching. There’s no wrong answer here as long as you’re choosing something you enjoy. We don’t get a lot of moments during the day to just slow down and connect with ourselves, but your morning routine should be that time for you.

Want more self-care tips and ideas? Check out our Self-care section and our Instagram to stay in the know.


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