Abstract Art in Nicole’s Home
It is no secret that Nicole’s home is filled with art but what some may not know is that many of the paintings you’ve seen in her interior design photography, she created herself! Today I ask Nicole questions about where her inspiration comes from and how she creates these beautiful original works.
Stephanie: What inspires your art?
Nicole: I find a lot of my art is driven by the emotions I’m feeling and I often use that as a vehicle to create. As someone who focuses largely on abstract art I find it comes in many forms whether it be nature, architecture, or even just colour itself. I like to stay open to the possibilities as art is one of the few things I do that doesn’t have to be driven by goals or timelines.
S: What medium do you like best?
N: This is a hard question because I dabble in so many! Though I love general crafting and making things I would say my two favourites would be landscape photography and painting. With photography, you get to take pause and capture a moment that you can’t recreate which feels like magic, while painting is something that I find quite meditative. I often find I’ll be lost in it for hours and knowing there are very few activities where that is the case for me, it makes painting feel that much more special.
S: Do you have a favourite colour pallet?
N: It probably doesn’t come as a surprise but I often decide on a colour pallet depending on the space for which I’m creating the art. I can find inspiration with any pallet so using the room as a guideline for what kind of tones will work best is a fun challenge and ensures the piece is just right for its new home.
S: Do you have a favourite piece you've done in your home?
N: I won’t lie, picking a favourite feels impossible because each of my pieces means something different to me but I think my favourite piece right now is my second large green floral canvas. I’m particularly proud of this one as I managed to create an almost movement effect with the paint which is not something I have done before, so it feels exciting to have tried something new. I am slowly creating these floral pieces as a series entitled ‘Meadows of the Mind’ focusing on different stages of my mental health and how that manifests for me. I’m excited to see where it goes and to continue this creative outlet!
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