Why We Love Chive

With more time inside, covid times have brought out new and different hobbies in many. Prior to covid I couldn’t keep a plant alive to save my life, but one of the magical things that has come from this unprecedented time is the time to slow down and find little things that grant us fulfillment in the most simple of ways. Covid has instilled in me a desire to take care of something outside of myself. Cue thriving plants! Nicole and I both have a love for plants, so naturally, we have often wandered into plant shops, wide-eyed, looking for little green leaves and colourful pots that would feed our souls. There is one shop in particular here in Toronto that we have come to love and here’s why. Enter, Chive.

Location location location

In counting the reasons and ways we love Chive, we have to start with the simplest and that is the location. While also based in San Diego and Burmingham, Chive opened here in Toronto during 2020, a time that most business owners may have shied away from, given the uncertainty of pandemic life. But Chive proved to be a success within the community of Toronto, thriving due to their personable, knowledgeable and friendly staff. In the heart of downtown Toronto, I love that I can take a walk along Queen West on a Saturday, run errands and pop into Chive to peruse a new plant or two to add to my collection. Meany a time I have headed there after enjoying time at Trinity Bellwoods Park with friends, and dragging them there after a hangout, lovingly peer pressuring them into finding a new plant of their own.

Unique Pot Design

Half the fun of picking up a plant at Chive is finding your new green friend a beautiful home in which they’ll be able to thrive and grow. With individualism and function at the forefront of all Chive created pots, Chive offers a wide variety, from small to extra large, pots with drainage holes, terrariums, vases and ceramic decor. They even sell small glass bottles for propagating so your plants can make more plants!

Plants Bring People Together

The biggest reason why we love Chive is because of how they have managed to take a retail space and use it to bring people together. As we’ve mentioned their staff exudes warmth and a willingness to help with even the most beginner questions.   They also host beginner plant events at their store to help folks get into the plant world, even during the pandemic. Nicole and I had the privilege of attending their House Plant 101 In-store Class and had an incredible time asking questions, potting plants of our choice and socializing with the other attendees. 

We always look forward to popping into Chive and encourage you to stop by the next time you’re in the area. Who knows, you might even go home with a lively green friend to brighten up your home.

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